Dear —, It’s me, a vampire.

  Dear unknown reader, On occasion, Ms. Zaplendam will allow me to use her equipment to address all of you. With such a vast forum before, I can barely contain my machiavellian glee at the prospect of all these pliant minds available for my cunning manipulations. (Hear my maniacal laugh?) I jest, of course. If … Continue reading Dear —, It’s me, a vampire.

Van Helsing reimagined

I was trying to think how to describe my Van Helsing Sr. character (the grandfather of the original Van Helsing from Bram Stoker's Dracula). He's a Prussian ex-patriate who has left the fatherland due to Napoleon taking over Europe. He was originally employed by the Prussian government to hunt vampires and investigate paranormal activity, but … Continue reading Van Helsing reimagined

The origins of Van Helsing, Vampire Hunter

Abraham Van Helsing, the infamous vampire hunter of Dracula fame, has confused historians by his apparent German accent and Dutch origins. We read that he was a Dutch Catholic  possessed of reddish hair and blue eyes, with an insane wife and a son who died. In The Unofficial Chronicles, which deals with Abraham's fictional grandfather, Gerhardt, I've taken … Continue reading The origins of Van Helsing, Vampire Hunter